IAGOD News is published bi-monthly in the societies section of the Elements Magazine. The news can be accessed for free at the link below. We welcome contributions from members, national groups, commissions and working groups. If you have any exciting events that IAGOD can help disseminate then please let us know.
Announcement of the 16th Quadrennial IAGOD symposium in Porto, Portugal. Introduction of honorary travelling lecturer, Prof Huayong Chen.
Introduction to the new IAGOD council. Obituary for Miroslav Štemprok (1933–2023).
IAGOD General Assembly, 25 August 2023, London, UK. IAGOD at the SEG 2023 London. Announcement of OGR open access APC waivers.
Report on the IAGOD sponsored International Platinum Symposium (4-7 July 2023) in Cardiff, Wales.
Announcement of the Early Career Researchers International Platinum Symposium 2022.
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